The reason why we’re all here is it’s a cause that’s bigger

Why People Are Still Protesting In St

Protesters initially gathered at the Delmar Loop, an entertainment district just outside the city, where some individuals had smashed windows during a demonstration on Saturday night. But organizers redirected the crowd to the Justice Center in downtown St. Louis, where some of those arrested during Sunday night’s demonstrations most on low level misdemeanors for allegedly failing to disperse were being held for up to 24 hours.

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I will say that, for what it’s worth, the conversation has started, and that’s the beginning we’ve got to get the conversation started. For years, we didn’t have the conversation started. For years, we were all just kept quiet. We were told to be quiet. We were told to just let it go. We were told to forget. We were told to just turn the other cheek.

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Reginald, St. Louis resident

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Canada Goose sale I don’t condone the vandalism. I don’t condone the looters. But at the same time, I understand people are angry and people are trying to channel their anger out. It’s coming to that point where people are tired, they’re frustrated, they’re upset nothing is working. You do all this protesting, you do all this marching, and you want to see change. We have yet to see change for the justice system in our country. We’re just tired and fed up.. Canada Goose sale

There’s a long. tradition of freedom fighters, of people that have marched, civil rights leaders, activists that have marched. We don’t want to stop that momentum, we don’t want to stop that at all. We’re going to keep going. Whether it’s 2017, 2020, 2040, we’re going to be marching in 2060.. I’ll be out here marching, I’m going to keep that legacy alive.

canada goose black friday sale I think as long as the people are out here, us as elected officials need to be out here, and as long as it takes to get change. From all the arrests that happened last night, we need change. And we’re not seeing city government right now step up to the plate. canada goose black friday sale

I think a lot of people canada goose outlet usa see it as complicated, that elected officials understand police reform, but there’s also this hesitancy to really be critical of the police. Especially in a high crime city, I think people are afraid that police won’t police their wards, that they won’t get city services into that area if they show support for this.

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Jason Stockley wasn’t convicted of murder. They arrested one of my friends last night for trying to leave. It’s not acceptable. The cops turned into an armed gang last night. They were antagonistic, they are the aggressors, canada goose outlet in vancouver and that’s the problem.

Price, who was arrested Sunday night, was released from jail Monday night while protesters gathered outside. This was his first arrest. He said protesters were arrested inside a police kettle (police surrounded the protesters and locked everyone up) and described what it was like in jail.

Everyone kept describing it canada goose discount uk like they “Game of Thrones ed” everyone, getting on all four sides and blocking them in.

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